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Biden Revokes Trump Era Executive Order

US Signals Support to Sanction ICC for Arrest Warrants

Biden Revokes Trump-Era Executive Order

The Biden administration has signaled its support for sanctions against the International Criminal Court (ICC) in response to its efforts to investigate U.S. personnel for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.

Trump's Sanctions and Lawmakers' Response

In 2020, the Trump administration sanctioned top ICC officials, including Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, in response to their efforts to investigate U.S. personnel. U.S. lawmakers condemned the sanctions as illegitimate and lacking legal basis, warning that they would "unravel the rules-based order."

Biden's Reversal and Blinken's Commitment

President Biden has revoked the Trump-era executive order that imposed sanctions on ICC officials. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that he will work with lawmakers on potential sanctions against the ICC for issuing arrest warrants for U.S. personnel.

Potential Sanctions

The potential sanctions being considered include freezing the assets of ICC officials, denying them entry to the United States, and restricting their ability to travel internationally. The sanctions would be a significant escalation in the U.S.'s opposition to the ICC.

Outlook for US-ICC Relationship

The Biden administration's support for sanctions on the ICC signals a further deterioration in relations between the two parties. The sanctions would have a serious impact on the ICC's ability to investigate and prosecute alleged war crimes by US personnel.

It remains to be seen whether the U.S. will impose sanctions on the ICC and what the long-term consequences will be for the relationship between the two parties.
